Here’s what this program includes:

✅️ 10-1 hour long classes including proper warm up and cool down

✅️ On the fly feedback of any perceived muscle imbalances spotted during the routine

✅️ Customized cross-training routine to help you get stronger in your trick holds

✅️ Access to my knowledge of competing in multiple PSO competitions to help give you the edge to win

This is for you if:

  • You’re prepping for an upcoming competition and you’re ready to pay attention to the details that make you a fucking winner. 👸💸

  • Most of your routine is complete, you desire immediate feedback before it hits the judges’ table and is ready to implement it now.

  • You want help adding some refinements to add the extra sparkle to edge the competition and can accept highly analytical feedback.

  • You already exercise regularly on your own. That way, when I add mobility exercises, it doesn’t feel like a chore.

From someone who has played the game and knows what the judges seek in a top-tier performance.💡 That’s when you hire me. 😻

Before we begin:

I will provide onboarding documentation with clear expectations and how to handle conflict. That way, you are ready for our first session and know how to have the best experience while working with me.

  1. RECORD YOUR ROUTINE (should be 75-85% ready) 🎥

Don’t worry about getting it perfect, the purpose is to be able to spot the muscle imbalances or weak spots that are causing the wobbles. 💡

WHY: This will show you exactly what muscle groups or mobility work you need to do to create a strong base for a flawless routine. 🪞


  • Where you felt you were slipping on the pole 🥵

  • Where your knees look bent (aka where your lines aren’t clean + judges would dock points for) 😤

  • Blank facial expressions or dinosaur hands (this will show you where you are in your head + more likely to make mistakes in your final routine) 🤡

WHY: So that you can determine which strengthening exercises to incorporate into your cross-training routine during your next competition prep (which will allow you to do all the extra sparkly shit that will get you 1st place).

Here’s what an example training program would look like if we were working together... 🏋‍♀️

1. Creating a cross-training training regimen filled with exercises based on your findings with progressions and regressions

  • FULL BODY: Kettlebell swings, Farmer’s walks, Hand balancing

  • CORE: Cable rotations, Exercise ball variations, Planks

  • UPPER BODY: Assisted pull-ups, Push-ups, Adding a press-up to a lower body exercise

  • LOWER BODY: Deadlifts, Squats, Lunges

2. Create a cross-training routine based on these exercises. Here are my general recommendations... Be sure to add in:

  • SCHEDULE: Recovery Days (minimum 2-3) + Cross-Training Days + Pole Routine Work Days


    • Warmup/Mobility

    • Reps + sets

    • Cool down

3. Refine your routine based on your recordings from the pre-work

  • Improvements to your routine to promote your best traits with clean lines

  • Working on your facial expressions and character to wow the judges

  • Cross Training exercises to take home and practice to help refine what you’ve already completed on your own

Ready to level up your pole dancing game?

Click the button below to get started.

**Payment plans available upon request